Judges: 2021 Health Meets Tech PanAfrican Virtual Hackathon
We have a team of judges, drawn from different sectors to select winners of the 2021 Health Meets Tech PanAfrican Virtual Hackathon.
Dr. Chioma Nwakanma
Chioma Nwakanma is a Public health physician and healthcare content creator. She is a TEDx public speaker with years of experience in health communications and tech. She is an alumni of the YALI RLC West Africa, with certification in “Leadership and Management in Healthcare”, from the University of Washington. She is the SGS Geneva ambassador for UNDP, and a digital influencer for the International Centre for Journalism Knights Fellows. She is highly recognized for her outstanding contributions to healthcare promotion and digitalization via her NGO, SMILE WITH ME Foundation, and her Health blog “Medically speaking with Dr Zobo”. Amongst many, she is a 2021 recipient of the Royal African Awards, a 2020 Future Awards Africa Nominee for health and wellness, and listed 100 most inspiring and powerful women in Nigeria- by Leading Ladies Africa and Power woman Africa. Chioma is committed to influencing data driven health policies and innovation, especially around sexual & reproductive health and rights in Nigeria, via advocacy and research.
Sarah Gerwig
She works directly with foreign direct investment agencies, government agencies, chambers of commerce in the US and beyond with proven success in building dozens of public private partnerships and generating over $6 million USD in funding for academic institutions, startups and for-profit fortune 500 companies in global health innovation. Sarah earned her bachelors of journalism from the University of Texas at Austin and still works closely with University partners through the Texas Global Health Security Innovation Consortium, an arm of the University of Texas Austin Technology Incubator (ATI). She completed her Masters of Public Health from the University of Texas Health Science Center’s School of Public Health in Houston and co-founded the Student Society for Global Health while focusing on management and policy.
Asher Adeniyi
Asher Adeniyi leads the Eazipay team. Eazipay makes payroll easier for both businesses and staff. My passion is to build great products that solve Africa/Africans' problems and to support my community to become a most desirable place to live in and be happy. We currently serve both private & public institutions Asher is part of the 2017 cohort of Mandela Washington Fellowship (Business and Entrepreneurship track at Drake University, Iowa). The fellowship is a United States Department of State Exchange Program for young African leaders.
Beti Baiye
Beti Baiye is Project Manager and Editor at Nigeria Health Watch (a public health advocacy organisation based in Abuja). She is a public health and communications professional with core expertise in managing projects, health communications and creative, evidence-based writing and research. She has participated in several research consultancies and is a member of Nigeria Health Watch’s editorial team. Beti has worked as a freelance writer and editor for over five years and during this time her work has been published in the anthology, ‘The Different Shades of a Feminine Mind’ and on Bellanaija, an online lifestyle blog. She a member of the Chartered Institute of Editing and Proofreading, UK.
Okafor Akachukwu
Akachukwu is the Founder and Principal Partner at Change Partners International, an energy, environment, climate change and sustainability consultancy firm that specializes in providing sector policy analysis, policy reform support, market intelligence services, broad stakeholder engagement and facilitating public private partnerships in the African market. He is a member, Technical Advisory Committee on Green Economy at the Nigeria Climate Innovation Center (NCIC) and also the Nigeria National Focal Point, Transport and Climate Change Global Status Report (TCC-GSR) of the Partnership on Sustainable, Low Carbon and Transport (SLoCaT). Akachukwu is a 2017 Mandela Washington Fellow (Public Management, University of Maine, a United States Department of State Fellowship) and holds a Master of Science in Energy Policy for Sustainability from Science Policy Research Unit (SPRU), University of Sussex, United Kingdom. He is an Associate Member, Institute of Strategic Management Nigeria and received United Nations specialized leadership trainings at New York and Geneva.